The NET Cancer Foundation will be assisting with the second annual NET Models Meeting. This event will bring together researchers, trainees, and neuroendocrine tumour experts to pioneer change in NET research and devise strategies to solve the most difficult challenges. The programme will feature presentations from leading experts and trainees, and participative sessions where all delegates can discuss challenges and opportunities in the field, share experiences, and work towards the development of new NET models. We welcome researchers at all stages of their career to this meeting, and everyone will be given the chance to discuss their model.
The NET Models meetings the only international opportunity for NET researchers to discuss current and future development of models to study NETs. This meeting will enable researchers to prioritize needs for improving the future of NET research.
More details to come - stay tuned!
Open registration will last from April 1st, 2025 until April 30th, 2025.
Details on how to register are coming soon - check back with us shortly!
Your support and contributions will enable us to execute the 2025 NET Models Meeting. Your generous donation will fund our mission of improving and expanding NET research in search of a cure for NETs.
Bank Account: Net Cancer Foundation
Sort Code: 08-61-19
Account Number: 49117086